Security Cameras

The Benefits of Police Security Cameras

When police have a suspect description, security cameras can verify that the suspect was in the area at the time of a crime. This can help officers investigate crimes more effectively.


While some people may feel uncomfortable with giving the authorities access to their footage, it’s important to consider privacy laws and company policies before agreeing to share footage. Keep reading the article below to learn more about Police Security Cameras.

Security cameras are a powerful deterrent for criminals, as they know that their actions will be recorded. They also provide critical evidence to help police apprehend suspects and bring them to justice quickly. In addition, CCTV systems in a Police Station can help protect the people and property inside from theft and vandalism.

Cameras with pan, tilt and zoom (PTZ) capabilities can capture details that would be impossible to see with the naked eye. These details can include license plates, facial features and other distinguishing characteristics of a suspect. High-definition and HD footage also provides a crisp and objective incident account that is difficult to refute during investigations and legal proceedings.

One of the biggest challenges when policing an area is finding reliable eyewitnesses to provide statements. Eyewitnesses can be prone to bias or misremember events, and they may not have a clear view of what happened. Cameras can replace these unreliable sources, providing law enforcement with a much-needed visual record of an incident.

As wireless router strength has increased and 4G cellular service has expanded, video surveillance technology has become more practical. Many Police Departments have implemented a mix of traditional CCTV cameras and newer devices with more advanced features like facial recognition, thermal imaging and integrated analytics software.

These more advanced devices can be operated on mobile apps or laptops, making it easy for police to review and download relevant footage during an investigation. Some devices even offer a live feed from a remote location, so officers can monitor situations as they develop and respond to calls for service.

Several cities and states are experimenting with community-based surveillance systems to improve public safety and reduce crime. However, these programs raise concerns about privacy and civil liberties. The Fusus system, for instance, allows police to add hardware to private cameras that turns them into instantaneously-accessible law enforcement tools. This expands police surveillance without requiring a warrant or community conversation and creates caches of sensitive personal information that can be retained indefinitely.

Body-worn cameras are another tool that can improve the safety of both police officers and the people they serve. Studies have shown that the presence of a camera changes behavior, with people being less likely to use aggressive or threatening language in front of a police officer. Additionally, body-worn cameras can help to increase accountability and ensure that all incidents are handled thoroughly and fairly.

Crime Prevention

In many cases, security cameras help prevent crime from happening in the first place. When criminals know they’re being monitored, they are less likely to engage in illegal activities, as they are more concerned about getting caught by law enforcement. Additionally, if a crime does occur, security cameras can provide valuable evidence in the investigation process by providing footage of the suspect, his or her actions, and other relevant details. This can help law enforcement identify suspects and build a strong case against them, increasing the chances of successful prosecution.

Furthermore, security cameras can also reduce the reliance on eyewitness testimony in investigations. Eyewitness accounts can be unreliable, and security camera footage provides a clear and objective record of events. This can help police officers corroborate or disprove witness statements and make more informed decisions about how to proceed with the case.

For example, if a burglary takes place at a business and there is broken glass on the ground, investigators can use security camera footage to determine whether the perpetrators broke in through a window or gained access through another door. This can save time in the investigation and confirm that officers have the correct fact pattern based on physical evidence.

While the increased visibility and public availability of surveillance technology has raised concerns about privacy, most communities that have implemented CCTV systems have found that the benefits outweigh the risks. In fact, the savings from reduced crime rates far outweigh the cost of the cameras.

Using cameras to deter criminal activity is an effective crime prevention tool, and it’s important to consider how these tools can be most effectively deployed and monitored to improve public safety. For instance, camera locations should be guided by high-crime areas and practical considerations such as the need for a power source and natural or man-made barriers that will need to be taken into account.

Security cameras can be used to capture license plate numbers, which is especially helpful for law enforcement agencies in large cities where identifying suspects can be challenging and time-consuming. Many surveillance camera manufacturers offer solutions that allow police departments to capture and process license plate data, which can then be compared against national databases of stolen or wanted vehicles.


Police security cameras with integrated software can connect directly to 911 dispatchers, giving them the live video they need to respond faster and more effectively. This feature is widely used across the country, and many schools and businesses volunteer to participate in programs that allow dispatchers to access security camera footage during an emergency.

Depending on department strategy, the Department may integrate PODs with other systems such as gunshot detection, incident mapping, crime analysis and license plate recognition. The integration of these systems should be done in a responsible manner to ensure that they do not invade the privacy of private citizens or observe areas where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy.

Another way that security cameras can help police is by reducing false alarms. Whether they are caused by an intruder, a pet, or a faulty sensor, if police are dispatched to check out a burglary or break-in, that diverts resources from responding to real emergencies. Some municipalities even fine homeowners for excessive numbers of false alarms. Security cameras with motion detectors can help police verify that a break-in is occurring and that the occupants are really in need of assistance before sending officers to a house.

Moreover, some companies like Flock have built a large network of cameras that can be accessed by law enforcement agencies nationwide. These cameras are designed to capture license plates and send a real-time alert if a vehicle matches a wanted suspect from a local or national crime database. This allows even small-town sheriffs to access the same technology as federal and urban police departments.

Regardless of the type of camera that is being used, law enforcement must follow the legal process when requesting to use private security camera recordings in investigations. That typically involves obtaining and serving the target with an authorized subpoena document, outlining probable cause of alleged facts relevant to a criminal investigation. In most cases, it is best to be polite and request such documentation cooperatively rather than demand it immediately. However, if that fails to resolve the issue, police should formally seek a court order from the judge to gain access to private security camera footage.


For investigators, security cameras are valuable tools for collecting evidence and proving the facts in a case. Crisp, high-definition visual documentation provides an objective incident account free of human bias or interpretation that’s easy to present in court. Eyewitness testimonies are valuable, but they can be inaccurate in terms of specifics. Surveillance footage can help validate or corroborate eyewitness testimony, for example, by capturing the exact color, make, and model of a suspect vehicle.

Cameras can also serve as a critical tool when establishing timelines in an investigation. For instance, if a witness claims that they saw a suspect fleeing from the scene in a dark blue minivan, security cameras can capture footage showing that specific vehicle at the time of the incident. This is helpful for prosecutors who can then cross-reference other types of evidence, such as the victim’s statement and the location of the crash.

Despite their usefulness in investigations, police security cameras aren’t without their challenges. For instance, a lack of proper maintenance or improper camera positioning can lead to poor image quality and hinder the effectiveness of surveillance systems. Cobwebs, dirty glass, and faulty cable connections can cause cameras to miss important details that would otherwise aid the investigation.

Axon body-worn cameras are designed to overcome these challenges by delivering superior image clarity, ensuring that officers can clearly see what’s happening in the field. Featuring on-device storage up to 128GB and prioritized data uploading for quick, secure offload, Axon’s Body 4 checks all the boxes to give officers the best possible chance of capturing useful footage during an incident.

With a wide range of benefits, security cameras are one of the most effective ways for law enforcement to combat crime. However, it’s important to ensure that your agency is using security cameras responsibly and adhering to the laws set by your state regarding privacy and surveillance. By understanding the different camera types, placement strategies, and legal aspects, you can take your surveillance capabilities to the next level and improve your agency’s ability to prevent and solve crimes. For more information on how security cameras can benefit your police department, contact us today.